A surveying engineer is primarily responsible for the application of various safety procedures and guidelines to construction projects, ensuring their longevity and proper development. A surveying engineer would usually also be tasked with developing new surveying methods and technology, and is commonly involved with the current developments and trensd in that field. Surveying engineers commonly work on their own, heading a small team of technicians who assist the engineer in their primary duties.
Becoming a surveying engineer follows a mostly standard path, implied in the job’s title – one must obtain an engineering degree, though the accepted specific types of degrees can vary quite a lot, and the job tends to be easier to obtain than most engineering-related positions. Still, it can prove to be quite a challenge, depending on one’s desired place of employment, and a thorough study of the market beforehand is usually a very good idea.
A surveying engineer earns between $70,000 – $95,000 in most cases, with the salary mostly influenced by one’s experience and of course, performance. Good surveying engineers typically enjoy good pay rates, though the job is commonly seen as more demanding than it’s worth, and not well-paid enough for an engineering position of its kind. The salary remains very high by most people’s standards though, making it a popular choice for many, and especially in some particular places around the world.