A dentist is a physician who specializes in oral health, which includes the teeth, gums and tongue, as well as the mouth in general. Dentists normally work on a private basis, establishing their own studios, though they may work for clinics or hospitals as well. A dentist is responsible for the complete treatment of a patient’s condition, from performing a proper diagnosis to determine the course of treatment, to executing any operations that may be required. Dentists usually work in a team with other dentists, assistants, as well as dental technicians – and in some cases, even doctors.
Becoming a dentist isn’t as demanding as becoming a regular physician, though it can still be quite challenging. Education still takes place in medical school, and is largely focused around biology and chemistry. The total length of the education tends to be shorter than that of a doctor, especially when internship is taken into consideration, but it still takes around 6-8 years to complete. Additionally, after graduating dentists are required to undergo a specific examination to attain their final license for working.
A dentist is traditionally compensated very highly, though not as high as the majority of physicians, even general practitioners. The annual salary for dentists ranges between $112,000 – $164,000, and the median for 2009 was $146,000. Experience plays an important role in determining a dentist’s salary, as well as their performance – dentists who’re known for their good work are usually able to secure a good supply of clients for themselves.