A pediatrician is a type of physician who specializes in conditions related to children, and children’s health in general. The job of a pediatrician involves most of the typical duties related to a physician’s job – diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of patients – only a pediatrician would specialize particularly in treating children. The job has a broad market and is highly popular in some areas, in some cases even more than the jobs of regular physicians (depending on the particular demographics).
Becoming a pediatrician follows the same path most physicians take, and begins with a Bachelor’s degree in a selection of courses, followed by education in a medical school for several years where students specialize in becoming pediatricians. The job can be more demanding than that of a regular physician in some instances, as children’s health tends to be more sensitive and brittle and can lead to a lot of complications on a regular basis, which can be quite burdensome on a typical pediatrician.
A pediatrician’s salary ranges between $100,000 – $150,000 a year, and that’s quite a good wage considering the job is in the medical field and the generally high competition in the entire sector. Some of the positive aspects of the job include the rewarding feeling associated with it by most who practice it, as well as the generally flexible working hours and good prospects for future career advancement. On the other hand, it can be very difficult to progress quickly.