Saint Joseph’s College of Maine is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. This association is a nationally recognized organization that specializes in accreditation. The college’s numerous memberships eventually paved way to its exceptional reviews and rankings. It is known that Saint Joseph’s College is a member of the American Association of Colleges and Nursing, Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, American Library Association, Council for Independent Colleges, Association of Mercy Colleges and many more.
Saint Joseph’s College Online program was founded in the year 1976. Such program is designed to meet the needs of busy learners who still have the goal to earn a degree. The online program makes learning possible through off-campus study. Online degrees are divided into Master’s degrees, Bachelor’s degrees, Associate’s degrees, Certificate Programs, and Continuing Education courses. Online courses include Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study, Master of Accountancy, Arts in Pastoral Theology, Business Administration, Health Administration, Science in Education, and Science in Nursing. There are also undergraduate courses in Adult Education and Training, Business Administration, Criminal Justice, Health Administration, Human Services, Long-Term Care, Nursing, Psychology, Radiologic Science Administration, and Theology.
Admissions in the College starts with the completion of the application form which may be done online or one could print the application form then send it to Graduate and Professional Studies Admissions departments. Tuition ranges from $275 to $450 per credit hour while on the other hand, there are different types of financial aid offered. It could be in the form of scholarships such as The William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship, The Marie F. Magee Endowed Scholarship, The Felicia Valle Perez Endowed Scholarship, and The Martin’s Point Endowed Scholarship. There as well grants and loans namely the Federal Pell Grant, and Federal Stafford Loan.