Westwood College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges or the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools. These two institutions specialize in universities and colleges accreditation and are both recognized and approved by the U.S Department of Education. The college’s reviews and rankings paved way to numerous awards which include those given to its outstanding and experienced faculty for their continuous contribution in providing excellent and quality education to everyone.
Westwood College Online Program or Online Learning makes education possible in a way that one’s lifestyle and other priorities could be maintained. Online classes are believed to be an effective and flexible way of learning knowing that courses are accessible with just an internet connection. Online degrees and online courses vary in the different schools that make up this online program. Online classes include the School of Technology, School of Business, School of Design, and School of Justice. Programs include Game Software Development, Information Technology, Animation, Interior Design, Business Administration, Construction Management, Criminal Justice, Paralegal, Medical Assisting, Automotive Technology, and Surveying.
The process of Admissions involves the completion of the request Information form, meeting up with an admissions representative, and the submission of the online application, requirements, and the student financing online application. Tuition varies in every program which ranges from $3654 to $3980 per term. Financial aid offered in the college is designed to help students in paying their tuition. This aid is available in different forms namely scholarship money, grants, military benefits, and tuition assistance.