A biology teacher is employed by high schools, in order to teach the different aspects of biology to students. A biology teacher’s job is usually more involved than that of other teachers, and is more closely related to that of a chemist teacher – students are frequently required to perform various experiments and sessions of actual practice when studying biology in high school and thus the teacher must have extensive knowledge of the experiment procedures, and be able to navigate the entire class coherently during the course of the experiments.
Becoming a biology teacher holds some strict requirements about the candidate’s educational background. A Bachelor’s degree in biology is a must for most schools, and the more higher-ranking institutions will require to see some formal working experience as well. Additionally, a biology teacher must display good knowledge of various other disciplines, such as mathematics and chemistry, which frequently find applications in the field of biology. As any other teacher, a biology teacher must have excellent communication skills and be able to hear the students’ demands while controlling their behavior firmly.
Biology teachers’ salaries fall in the same range as those of most other teachers. A biology teacher can expect to earn between $30,000 and $40,000 per year, with the amount growing in accordance with the teacher’s experience and own level of education. Some more prestigious schools pay substantially more, though attaining employment in such places involves strict qualification procedure that can be too demanding for most teachers.