Saint Xavier University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. This accreditation paved way to the university’s numerous reviews, awards, rankings, and recognitions which include it being recognized among the top private or public regional universities in the Midwest, top five in the state of Illinois, ranked 8th for most diverse school in the Midwest and 2nd in Illinois, and the 14th most diverse socioeconomic student body in the greater Midwest.
Saint Xavier University online program offers online classes with a variety of accredited online degrees and online courses with flexible schedules that would definitely fit one’s busy lifestyle. The online program aims to take part in helping students reach their personal and professional goals in life and these would all be possible through the convenience and flexibility that the program aims to offer. Online degree programs include Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction, and Master of Science in Nursing or Clinical Nurse Leader.
Admissions requirements include a completed application form, official transcripts, and two recommendation letters. Tuition for a program in Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction is $450 per credit hour and $520 for Master of Science in Nursing in Clinical Leadership. There are different types of financial aid such as scholarships and loans which are designed to make education possible and most especially, affordable to everyone. Applicants are required to complete the free application for federal student aid which could be accessed in the university’s website.