The Naval War College (NWC) is a learning institution that seeks to develop strategic and operational leaders while working for the continued strength of maritime security cooperation and ensuring combat readiness. Its first class was held in an austere loft in 1884. At present, the campus is located at 686 Cushing Road, Newport, Rhode Island.
Naval War College has proven to be one of the most prominent landmarks of the area as it continues to provide educational programs serving approximately 600 outstanding mid-career level Navy officers each year. Students may also come from other US services, civilian federal agencies and international naval services. Each and every student would have to undergo a rigorous 10-month course of postgraduate studies.
Six academic colleges comprise the Naval War College. These include the College of Naval Warfare which offers programs to senior-grade officers; the College of Naval Command and Staff which is attended by lieutenant commanders, majors and their civilian counterparts; the Naval Command College which is attended by senior international naval officers; the Naval Staff College which offers programs to intermediate-grade international naval officers; the College of Distance Education which allows active duty officers, reservists, eligible civilian US government employees and qualified allied naval officers either to complete the NWC curriculum, receive a diploma or credit for Joint Professional Military Education (JPME); and the College of Operational and Strategic Leadership which provides Professional Military Education.
Naval War College’s curriculum is based on the three core courses of study of strategy and policy, national security and decision-making and joint military operations. Forming an integral part of Naval War College is the War Gaming Department which has been providing an effective venue for joint, interagency and international engagement as well as outreach programs. Housing facilities are provided through student quarters, government quarters and leased facilities in the surrounding area.